Organic PDO Seasoned Asiago
Organic PDO Asiago Stagionato (or allevo) is a cheese with a Protected Designation of Origin and is included among the cheeses protected by the Consorzio Tutela Formaggi Asiago. This consortium guarantees that the farms, located in a specific geographical area, provide a correct and healthy diet to the livestock and that the collection and processing of milk into Fresh Asiago DOP cheese strictly respects the processing and aging procedures defined by the regulations. The Consortium also carries out constant checks on cheeses before they are put on the market in order to guarantee consumers and quality.
Organic PDO Asiago Stagionato is obtained with raw, partially skimmed milk and follows a traditional artisan process in copper cauldrons. The cooking, cutting of the paste and other aspects of the process ensure that Asiago Stagionato has unique characteristics and flavors. It is then subjected to a period of cooling, salting and subsequent aging in the warehouse for a period of no less than 60 days, as indicated in the Asiago Production Specifications.