
We care about your logistic necessities and we follow your orders from receipt to final delivery, granting a fast and secure goods consolidation service.

Our transports:







What are the advantages of turning to Gourm.it Consortium?

Shipping: we ship worldwide via air, sea and road.

Groupage: you will receive many types of wares at once and one invoice, reducing both transport and custom costs.

Environmental protection: we commit to choose logistic solutions that are as much respectful for the Planet as possible. This is why we opt for groupage solutions, which incredibly reduce Co2 emissions. Moreover, we work hard to employ less and less packaging materials, and we are developing innovative lines made of environmentally sustainable packaging.


We grant you an efficient and punctual support service that will help you to be updated in real time on the status of your requests.

Contact us and we will be very happy to help you!




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