
Gourm.itpedia is a project for the dissemination of Italian gastronomic knowledge by gourm.it, a consortium of Italian producers.




With gourm.itpedia the Consorzio Gourm.it wants to give voice to its members, men and women who toil every day to bring a heritage of flavours and knowledge to tables all over the world. Their time is few and precious: to interview them we chased them in the stables, at the fairs, on the pastures with the sound of the wind in the background, stuck for a moment between the cheese stepladders while the telephone in the office kept ringing. They spoke generously, conveying all the love they feel for their work.


The result is a mosaic of voices and faces, sometimes out of focus, crooked or noisy but always authentic, which tells of the strength of a production sector capable of conquering the world.

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