You have bought a truffle or it was given to you as a gift, now you have to take care of it. This small culinary treasure asks little and gives plenty in return. Truffles are known for their fragility and must be handled with care to ensure their freshness and unparalleled flavor.


To best preserve your truffle, gently wrap it in a paper towel and place it in an airtight container. Ensure that the container is stored in the refrigerator drawer, where the temperature is slightly lower than the rest of the fridge. Change the paper towel every day to keep the truffle dry.


Avoid wrapping the truffle in cling film or storing it in airtight containers without paper towels. The truffle needs to breathe, and excessive moisture can cause it to spoil.


Remember that truffles are odor magnets. If you want to experience purer flavor pairings, store the truffle separately from other foods in the refrigerator.


When it's time to use the truffle, gently wash the outer part under cold running water. Use a small brush to remove any soil residues. Dry thoroughly with kitchen paper. It's important not to completely immerse the truffle in water, as it can compromise its quality.


Now that your truffle is ready, it's time to fully enjoy its unique flavor. Grate it with a fine grater directly onto your favorite dishes. Truffles pair beautifully with freshly cooked pasta, scrambled eggs, or even a simple bruschetta with extra virgin olive oil.


For main courses, try enhancing roast meats, risottos, or even a freshly baked pizza with thin truffle shavings. The heat of freshly prepared food will intensify the truffle aroma, providing an unforgettable gastronomic experience.


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