Robiola di Capra by Latteria Perenzin, fresh and pleasantly tangy, boasts a light, velvety texture achieved through handcrafted finesse. This method carefully hand ladles the curd into molds, preserving its naturally formed curds. Sourced from small to medium-sized farms, Camosciata delle Alpi and Saanen goats roam spacious, open areas for their well-being and high-quality milk. Recognizing their commitment, Latteria Perenzin fairly compensates these farmers based on milk quality.


In Latteria Perenzin, skilled artisans refine the raw material, a tradition spanning 130 years. The 500g Robiola Sac à Poche format saves time with its ready-to-use convenience, minimizing waste by eliminating individual packaging. This version easily adorns sweet or savory dishes, simply massage, snip an opening, and gently squeeze. Versatile in pastries or cooking, the Robiola enriches salads, toasted crostini with Treviso radicchio cream, hazelnuts, or pairs delectably with figs and prosciutto. Notably healthy, Latteria Perenzin's goat cheeses offer high digestibility, low lactose, and low-fat milk.


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