PDO Red Cows Parmigiano Reggiano  by Grana D'oro is a product of excellence, made from the milk of Red Cows of the Reggiana breed. These cows, fed exclusively on grass, hay and NO GMO certified feed, are bred with special attention to their welfare, avoiding any technique that could force production.


The milk of the Vacche Rosse di Razza Reggiana is distinguished by its unique qualities compared to traditional Parmigiano Reggiano. Although the Red Cows produce one third less milk than the Friesian breed, this milk has a higher cheese yield. In fact, it contains a variant of casein, the key protein in the process of turning milk into cheese, which gives the cheese a better predisposition to long ripening and greater digestibility. As a result, the production regulation for PDO Red Cows Parmigiano Reggiano stipulates a minimum of 24 months maturing, compared to 12 months for traditional Parmigiano Reggiano.


PDO Red Cows Parmigiano Reggiano retains a sweet, delicate and persistent flavour, despite its long maturation. Its organoleptic properties are unique: the straw-yellow colour, the elasticity of the grain and the intense but delicate aroma make it an exceptional cheese. This product represents the perfect balance between tradition, quality and attention to animal welfare.


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