Toma Piemontese PDO is a traditional cheese from Piedmont, famous for its quality and authenticity. Produced from whole or semi-skimmed cow's milk, it has ancient origins linked to the cheese-making traditions of Piedmont's Alpine valleys. It has a thin, soft rind, straw-coloured or slightly reddish, and a compact but soft paste, which varies from white to straw-yellow depending on maturity. Its flavour is mild and delicate in the young versions, becoming more intense and aromatic as it matures, making it an extremely versatile cheese, ideal both to be enjoyed on its own and as an ingredient in dishes such as fondues, pasta dishes and savoury pies.

Toma Piemontese PDO can be recognised by its cylindrical shape, with flat or almost flat faces and a slightly convex heel. The weight varies between 1.8 and 9 kg. In the Toma Piemontese PDO Whole Milk version, the rind is elastic and smooth, light straw-coloured or reddish-brown, depending on maturation. The paste is straw-white, soft, with a structure characterised by minute, diffuse eye formation.


The name ‘Toma’ comes from the Piedmontese verb ‘tumé,’ meaning ‘to make cheese,’ a clear reference to its local roots. Toma Piemontese was traditionally produced in mountain pastures during the summer, when the cows were taken to the mountain pastures. There are two main variants: one with whole milk, softer and sweeter, and one with semi-skimmed milk, with a stronger flavour and firm texture. Also used in typical recipes such as ‘polenta concia,’ where the cheese is melted to create a rich, enveloping dish, Toma Piemontese PDO is more than just a cheese: it is a symbol of Piedmont that tells the story of the region's history, mountains and dairy traditions.

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