Gourm.itpedia's word of the day is ‘Pecorino Romano DOP’.


Pecorino Romano PDO


/pe-co-ri-no ro-ma-no/


Pecorino Romano DOP is one of Italy's oldest and most iconic cheeses, made exclusively from sheep's milk. This hard cheese has a strong, savoury and slightly piquant flavour that intensifies with ageing, which varies from 5 to 12 months. Its texture is compact and grainy, white or straw-coloured, with a thin, smooth rind.


Easily recognisable thanks to the mark stamped on the rind, which depicts a stylised sheep's head inside a rhombus with rounded corners, Pecorino Romano is traditionally used grated on dishes such as Cacio e Pepe or Amatriciana. 


Protected by the PDO designation, Pecorino Romano is a symbol of tradition and quality, and every taste tells the story of Italian craftsmanship and gastronomic culture.

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