Acaro /aˈkaːro/

Tiny arthropods that belong to the class Arachnida and are often found in soil, plants, dust, and on animals.


The world of cheese aging is rife with mistakes that evolve into expertise and flaws that turn into strengths. In the 1800s, within the cool and humid caves of Valsassina where cheeses were aged, a mite began to thrive. This tiny insect feeds on the mold that naturally forms on the cheese rind. Surprisingly, this infestation proved to be benign and, to this day, is cultivated to impart unique characteristics to cheeses like Montecrotto. It imparts a distinct, bold, and slightly bitter flavor and the ability to age for extended periods.


Marco Ciresa of Gildo Formaggi takes us into the mite cave, revealing its marks and the secrets of harnessing this little insect's natural processes to achieve the finest cheese possible.



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