Culatello di Zibello originates in the Bassa Parmense, in that strip of land lying along the banks of the Po. The climate of this area is characterised by long, cold, wet and foggy winters and torrid, hot and sultry summers. This climatic alternation is the crucial element that favours the slow maturation of culatello, a period during which the unmistakable aromas and flavours develop that have made it famous throughout the world as a masterpiece of taste.


Every year, just over 90,000 Culatelli di Zibello can boast the prestigious PDO denomination; furthermore, authentic Culatello di Zibello PDO is produced exclusively in 8 localities in the province of Parma (including Polesine Parmense, home to the Antica Corte Pallavicina and its cellars, a treasure trove of Culatelli di Zibello PDO).


Precisely to respect the uniqueness and incredible organoleptic characteristics of this product, it is important to follow a few simple but crucial caveats when cutting it.


First of all, the twine is completely removed, and the casing, consisting of the bladder, is washed, taking care to completely moisten it so that it can be easily removed. Then, the yellowed superficial fat part is trimmed, keeping the fat white and cleaning the lean part from any mould and dark parts.
After that, it is wrapped in a dishcloth soaked in dry white wine, laying it lean side down in a basin for at least a day.
At this point, after much waiting, it is finally time for tasting. Cut into very thin slices, Culatello di Zibello DOP, like all great and authentic goodness, is perfect just as it is. At best, it can be accompanied by some homemade bread and a few curls of butter.

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