Gourm.it tailors gourmet grand tours to learn and explore the richness of Italian gastronomy.


Imagine you are on impervious roads, shrouded by ancient forests, in the middle of Garfagnana. We are in a mountainous area of Tuscany, far from the trajectories of mass tourism. Here the villages are small, stony and scattered, here there are green and bountiful pastures, and here is the Bertagni Dairy, a business handed down from generation to generation of dairy shepherds. 


Now imagine being greeted directly by Verano Bertagni, the dairy's master cheesemaker, and being able to witness directly the milk collection, the production; imagine being able to visit the cellars scented with fir wood and sheep's milk cheese, and being able to taste his cheeses here directly, such as Tuada or Taula, accompanied by a good glass of red.


Here is how one German visitor describes the experience: 


This family owned and operated cheese factory is hidden away and easy to miss if you didn't know it was there. [...]
We got to see the whole process and try out several different cheeses. They make cheese from cows, sheep, and goats. The milk gathered fresh from local farmers. [...] While we were there, several locals stopped by to grab some cheese, demonstrating how good his products are. We loved his prize winning "Tuada" cheese and bought some for ourselves and friends. I highly recommend visiting here if you are in Garfagnana.



And here are the impressions of an English visitor: 


The cheese maker took a lot of time to really show and describe the cheese making process and was very excited to answer all of our questions. The tasting at the end was very generous and the cheeses superb!


Would you like to try this unique experience? Contact us for more information.


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- For buyers: a valuable professional update

- For the marketing department: a unique opportunity to gather new materials and create original content

- For your customers: a tool to reward and retain your most important customers


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