The Antica Corte Pallavicina di Polesine, located in the Bassa Parmense, is distinguished by its unique setting, where the sound of the Po River and fog create an evocative atmosphere. Inside, the museum tour tells the story of Culatello through various protagonists. It starts from the territory, with the poplar groves and the Po, to the room dedicated to the pig, an animal domesticated by man since ancient times. Here the history of the Parmesan black pig and its symbolism linked to man is explored in depth.


Another section of the museum is dedicated to St. Anthony Abbot, who is often depicted with a piglet, symbolizing his closeness to this animal. It follows the story of the Spigaroli family, who went from sharecroppers to Giuseppe Verdi and reinvented themselves as restaurateurs on the banks of the Po. The room also explores the figure of the Masalén, expert pork butchers who handed down the art of pork processing. A collection of objects and utensils related to this tradition accompanies visitors toward the discovery of Culatello, within a vast underground space.


The museum tells the story of Culatello, enriched by pictures and quotes from famous people such as Giuseppe Verdi, Gabriele D'Annunzio and Giovannino Guareschi. The process that, from the pig's leg, leads to the creation of Culatello, a product of excellence that requires a precise tasting ritual, is explained in detail. The tour culminates in the gallery of aged culatellos and ends in the Hostaria del Maiale e del Culatello room, where it is possible to participate in a tasting by reservation.


Outside, the Museum of Culatello and Masalén also offers the PO FOREST, an evocative 1.5-kilometer nature trail divided into 12 stages, discovering the forest and vegetation of the Po River, accompanied by an audio guide and brochures.

Would you like to have an unforgettable experience at the Culatello Museum? Contact and find out how to organize for you or your clients an exclusive visit inside the splendid Antica Corte Pallavicina!

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