The Antiche Razze gift box is an elegantly presented package containing four 150-gram pieces of exquisite Parmigiano Reggiano, each wrapped in informative packaging that narrates the stories and unique characteristics of the four bovine breeds involved in the project.


  • The Red Cow yields one-third less milk compared to the Friesian breed, but it excels in cheesemaking. Their milk features a variant of casein, a key protein in the cheese-making process, which ensures better suitability for extended aging, resulting in improved digestibility. 
  • The Brown Cow's milk yields a flavorful yet delicate Parmigiano Reggiano. With a characteristic straw color from their predominantly hay-based diet, it offers a taste and texture that effortlessly melts in the mouth after 24 months of aging, delivering an exceptionally rich sensation.
  • The Modenese White Cow produces milk with an ideal balance of fat and protein content, with a high quantity of the k fraction of caseins, favoring rapid and resilient milk coagulation. 
  • The Black & White Cows produce a classic and well-balanced Parmigiano Reggiano, already exceptional after just 12 months of aging. The cattle are raised, and their milk is collected and transformed into cheese on the plains.

An excellent gift for gourmet enthusiasts of Italian cuisine who are dedicated to preserving biodiversity, this gift box offers a unique opportunity to savor the distinct qualities of these exceptional bovine breeds in the form of Parmigiano Reggiano.

We invite you to discover this extraordinary product, the result of the cheesemaker's craftsmanship and a close synergy between breeder, territory, and animal, and to join this virtuous process of preserving and spreading the precious heritage of Ancient Breeds.

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