One of the Ancient Breeds promoted by the project is the Brown Cow.


The Brown Cow is known for its docility and gentleness, as well as its strength and robustness, allowing it to feed even in the most rugged pastures, living in perfect harmony with the environment. For over a hundred and fifty years, in Italy, it has been recognizable in the green pastures thanks to its characteristic brown coat. This breed possesses some unique characteristics that make it particularly interesting in the context of organic agriculture, including its ability to adapt to various diets and its calm, vigilant, and sociable temperament.


The milk produced by Brown Cows is used to create Parmigiano Reggiano made from Brown Cow milk, characterized by a rich and delicate flavor and a straw-yellow color achieved through traditional feeding methods. After 24 months of maturation, the cheese has a melt-in-your-mouth texture, offering an extraordinary sense of completeness. Genetically, the Brown Cow carries the B variant of k-casein, which promotes the incorporation of fats and proteins, reduces coagulation and solidification times, creates a more elastic curd, and produces a less structured but more uniform cheese curd. The result is a unique and easily recognizable cheese with delightful color, flavor, and aroma.


Parmigiano Reggiano made from Brown Cow milk is an illustrious example of the fundamental role played by breeders in preserving Ancient Breeds. The Parmigiano Reggiano produced by Sola Bruna Valserena has a storied history dating back to 1879 when the Balduino and Serra families joined forces to become joint owners of the Gainago estate. Through nearly 150 years of selective breeding, their cows evolved into the celebrated Brown breed. This single-breed cheese has gained widespread recognition.


We invite you to discover this extraordinary product, the result of the cheesemaker's skill and a close synergy between breeder, territory, and animal, and to participate in this virtuous process of preserving and spreading the precious heritage of Ancient Breeds.

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