Latteria Perenzin is the custodian of a real treasure: 120 years of history and the handed-down wisdom of five generations of cheesemakers.

Founded in the late 1800s by Domenico Perenzin, it was handed down to his son Valentino Angelo Perenzin, who in 1933 won the prestigious gold medal at the "Salon des Arts Menagers" in Brussels. Valentino Perenzin was a distinguished man, able to switch from the work clothes he used in the barn to care for the pigs, to a coat, cashmere scarf and fedora; a mix of practicality and creative elegance that will remain as the Dairy's identifying mark to this day.

In 1970 Egidio Perenzin (Emanuela's father), the third generation, took the reins of the company, together with his brother Rocco. Emanuela Perenzin, the current president of Latteria Perenzin, began working at the company in 1983, inaugurating an unprecedented path of dairy innovation and popularization.

The first organic cheese was produced in 1987, and in 1999 the first goat cheese processing began. On May 1, 2000, the first sales of certified organic goat cheeses officially begin.
On February 14, 2012, PER Bottega & Cheese Bar opens, a place intended for lovers of cheese in all its forms.

Today, after more than a century, joining Emanuela Perenzin at the helm of the company are her children Erika and Matteo, who represent the fifth generation: a creative family that has put together a close-knit team.

Latteria Perenzin's team consists of many under-30s, proving that this work has a bright future ahead of it.


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