It is a dilemma that sometimes grips even the most experienced cheesemongers: the crust, do you eat it or not?

We asked our friends at Latteria Perenzin for an expert, hands-on opinion, and here's what they explained:

Yes, the rinds of Latteria Perenzin cheeses are EDIBLE, you can eat them, because they contain no preservatives or additives and are an integral part of our products.


The aging and intoxication takes place in the rind, and it is this rind that releases the most intense aromas and flavors!

Why throw them away?


You can eat them pure or grate them to give a finishing touch to your pasta dishes.

Of all our cheeses, we especially recommend you try the rind of our Thyme Goat because:

1. The rind is an integral part of the cheese (why throw it away?!)

2. The rind gives off intense aromas that you can't miss (especially when the cheese is aged with fragrant organic Sicilian thyme)

3. All the rinds of our cheeses are untreated

4. Our cheeses contain no preservatives or added additives

5. Grated on hot dishes it will give your dishes an extra kick (try it to believe!).


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