PDO Fresh Asiago

PDO Fresh Asiago (or pressed) is a cheese with a Protected Designation of Origin and is included among the cheeses protected by the Consorzio Tutela Formaggi Asiago. This consortium ensures that farms, located in a specific geographical area, feed their livestock with a correct and healthy diet and that the collection and processing of milk into PDO Fresh Asiago cheese strictly respects the processing and aging procedures defined by the specification. The Consortium also carries out constant checks on cheeses before they are put on the market as a guarantee for consumers and quality.

PDO Fresh Asiago (or pressed) is obtained from pasteurized whole milk and still follows an artisanal production process, under the constant control of the Master Cheesemaker. The cooking, the cutting of the dough and other aspects of the process are in the secret of tradition and have ensured the PDO pressed Asiago of the Caseificio a high national and international recognition.

20 days
Type of product
Cow milk
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