Gourm.it for Gender Equality

A Historic Commitment to Inclusion

The Gourm.it Consortium has always been a benchmark for inclusion and openness, with a strong female presence both within the team and among the shareholders. This inclusive philosophy has been a cornerstone of our identity, helping to create a welcoming and respectful work environment that values diversity. Since the early 2000s, the Consortium has invested in digitalization and promoted smart working, staying ahead of the times and fostering greater flexibility for all employees.



The Need for a Gender Equality Management System

However, as the organization grew, the need arose to equip ourselves with adequate tools to monitor and ensure equity and inclusion. The Gender Equality Management System (SGPG) represents a concrete commitment in this direction, providing a framework and system to ensure that no one is excluded and that everyone has equal opportunities for development and career advancement.


Read the Gourm.it Gender Equality Policy



A Fair and Inclusive Future

The introduction of the SGPG is not just an ethical choice but a strategic element aimed at valuing all skills and promoting a fair and inclusive work environment. Through this system, we are committed to continuously monitoring and improving our practices, ensuring that every member of the Consortium can fully express their potential without gender discrimination. This commitment reflects the fundamental values of the Gourm.it Consortium and our determination to create a better and more equitable future for all.

"Cheese tastes better, when it's equal"

Gourm.it campaign for gender equality

Discover the stories and hear the voices of the great women behind our great cheeses!


A Continuous Path Toward Equity

The Gender Equality Management System is not a finish line but an ongoing journey. The Gourm.it Consortium and its entire team are committed to this journey with dedication, humility and a constant desire to improve. We work every day to create a work environment that is increasingly inclusive and respectful of diversity.


If you notice anything on our website or in our communications that you feel does not align with our Gender Equality Policy, please let us know at sgpg@gourm.it. Your opinion is important to us and helps us grow and improve.


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