Parmigiano Reggiano DOP Antiche Razze Vacche Rosse

Parmigiano Reggiano DOP Antiche Razze Vacche Rosse is made from the milk of Vacche Rosse di Razza Reggiana. Although the Red breed produces a third less milk than the Friesian breed, it yields more in cheesemaking. In particular, a variant of Casein, the fundamental protein in the milk-to-cheese transformation process, is found in the milk of the Red cows, which ensures better cheese predisposition to long aging and consequently better digestibility. Parmigiano Reggiano Vacche Rosse aged over 24 months DOP is a cheese that, despite its long aging, maintains a sweet, delicate, and persistent flavor. Additionally, its organoleptic properties are unique, with a characteristic straw-yellow color, grain elasticity, and an intense yet delicate aroma that persists even beyond 30 months of aging.


At the roots of every product, there are animals created by nature and perfected by the hand of the breeder. The Antiche Razze project wants to emphasise the indissoluble link between animal, breeder, product and territory. A tribute to biodiversity, a guarantee of origin of excellence.


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24 months
Type of product
Cow milk
Product not available


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